touch ballpoint pen Cod : AP845172-01. Aplicam personalizare.


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Acasa / Cool 2019 / Pixuri, rollere / touch ballpoint pen
touch ballpoint pen | AP845172-01
touch ballpoint pen; cod produs : AP845172-01
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touch ballpoint pen; cod produs : AP845172-07

touch ballpoint pen



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Personalizati acest produs cu imaginea dvs.

Plastic ballpoint and touch screen pen in black colour with rubber grip, coloured stylus and matching colour LED light for illuminated engraving. Light can be activated by switch on the barrel. With button cell battery and blue refill.

Design :


Cod produs AP845172-01

ø13×140 mm

Dim. print

E0 (40×7 mm)


13 g

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 Codul produsului selectat este AP845172-01
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Introduceti codul o7Y77 in casuta de mai jos (masura anti-spam)