Cotton, house shoes, duck feather and down filling, Red Cod : 5468-08-36. Aplicam personalizare.


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Acasa / Impression 2019 / Accesorii pentru calatorii / Cotton, house shoes, duck feather and down filling, Red
Cotton, house shoes, duck feather and down filling, Red; cod produs : 5468-08-28
Cotton, house shoes, duck feather and down filling, Red; cod produs : 5468-08-36

Cotton, house shoes, duck feather and down filling, Red



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Cotton, house shoes with duck feather and down filling; the bottom inlcudes non-slip silicone dots, packed in a plastic and non-woven zipper bag with matching carry strap.

Cod produs 5468-08-36

24 x 27,5 x 7 cm


312 g

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 Codul produsului selectat este 5468-08-36
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