ABS Bluetooth tracker, Black Cod : 7739-01. Aplicam personalizare.


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Acasa / Impression 2019 / Accesorii pentru calatorii / ABS Bluetooth tracker, Black
ABS Bluetooth tracker, Black; cod produs : 7739-01
ABS Bluetooth tracker, White; cod produs : 7739-02

ABS Bluetooth tracker, Black



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12 bucati
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ABS Bluetooth GPS tracker to track lost belongings, it can also be used as a remote to use your smartphone camera. Pinpoint your exact location to relocate where you parked your car or set an alarm when the tracker is divided from your smartphone.

Cod produs 7739-01

d: 3,7 x 0,7 cm


9 g

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 Codul produsului selectat este 7739-01
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Introduceti codul Qk9Q5 in casuta de mai jos (masura anti-spam)