Sparkling wine cooler bag Cod : 81076.10. Aplicam personalizare.


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Acasa / Catalog Norwood 2019 / Produse pentru casa / Sparkling wine cooler bag
Sparkling wine cooler bag | 81076.10
Sparkling wine cooler bag; cod produs : 81076.10

Sparkling wine cooler bag



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The new Pulltex® cooler bag combines the efficiency of the Pulltex regular coolers and new esthetic trends. Inside the cooler there is a "cooling gel" and insulating material that prevents spreading of the cold outside the bag. The bag is closed with a security cord in its upper part which has a double function of protecting the bottle as well as preventing the cold coming out of the bag.

Cod produs 81076.10



27 cm Width X 10.5 cm Ø X

Dim. print

front front 50 mm Width X 50 mm Height


410 g


Brand : Norwood

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