Umbrella made of pongee, automatic Cod : 4329811. Aplicam personalizare.


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Acasa / Promotional products & more 2019 / Umbrele / Umbrella made of pongee, automatic
Umbrella made of pongee, automatic | 4329811
Umbrella made of pongee, automatic; cod produs : 4329810
Umbrella made of pongee, automatic; cod produs : 4329811
Umbrella made of pongee, automatic; cod produs : 4329812
Umbrella made of pongee, automatic; cod produs : 4329829

Umbrella made of pongee, automatic



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Elegant automatic umbrella made of pongee with comfortable soft grip. The seam and the lower part of the grip are accentuated in trendy colours. We will print your advertising on a segment.

Cod produs 4329811



ø 105 x 83,5

Dim. print

20 x 10

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 Codul produsului selectat este 4329811
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