Sticky note unwinder Cod : 2333303. Aplicam personalizare.


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Sticky note unwinder | 2333303
Sticky note unwinder; cod produs : 2333303
Dozator post-it; cod produs : 2333304
Dozator post-it; cod produs : 2333305
Dozator post-it; cod produs : 2333308
Dozator post-it; cod produs : 2333309
Dozator post-it; cod produs : 2333310
Dozator Sticky-notes; cod produs : 2333311
Dozator Sticky-notes; cod produs : 2333329
Dozator post-it; cod produs : 2333366
Dozator Sticky-notes; cod produs : 23333GE
Dozator Sticky-notes; cod produs : 23333WE

Sticky note unwinder



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Personalizati acest produs cu imaginea dvs.

Sticky note unwinder, just tear the notes in the desired length from the roll and attach it to the requested place. The sticky notes adhere with the whole back side. We will print your advertising on the side of the unwinder.

Cod produs 2333303



6,6 x 8 x 4,5

Dim. print

5 x 1


60 g

pret la cerere

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 Codul produsului selectat este 2333303
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