Orion Gift Set Cod : 10420600. Aplicam personalizare.


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Acasa / Avenue / Siguranta si autoturism / Orion Gift Set
Orion Gift Set | 10420600
Orion Gift Set; cod produs : 10420600

Orion Gift Set



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1310 bucati
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Orion Gift Set. With the combination of the Terra knife and Radar pocket torch both executed in a black version the Orion gift set has best of both worlds. The terra knife with it's stainless steel blade and liner lock. The Radar pocket torch with a powerful 1 watt light and push button power switch at the back. Packed in an Avenue gift box. Batteries included. PVC free. Exclusive Design. Aluminum, ABS & Stainless steel.

Cod produs 10420600



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