Alpha notebook incl. page dividers Cod : 10645900. Aplicam personalizare.


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Acasa / Avenue / Papetarie tare / Alpha notebook incl. page dividers
Alpha notebook incl. page dividers | 10645900
Alpha notebook incl. page dividers; cod produs : 10645900

Alpha notebook incl. page dividers



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Alpha notebook incl. page dividers. Exclusive design notebook with 96 sheets (100gsm) lined paper, elastic closure and 3 page dividers which can be used as marker or section identifier. The Alpha also includes an inner pocket at the back to store notes and business cards and a pen loop attached on one of the page dividers. Packed in a Marksman gift box. Leather paper covered cardboard.

Exclusive design notebook with 96 sheets (100gsm) lined paper, elastic closure and 3 page dividers which can be used as marker or section identifier. The Alpha also includes an inner pocket at the back to store notes and business cards and a pen loop attached on one of the page dividers. Packed in a Marksman gift box.

Cod produs 10645900



21 cm x 0 cm x 14,5 cm

Dim. print

90 x 140 mm

Tehnica imprimare



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