Hanging toiletry bag Cod : 76044.30. Aplicam personalizare.


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Acasa / Catalog Norwood 2019 / Calatorii / Hanging toiletry bag
Hanging toiletry bag | 76044.30
Hanging toiletry bag; cod produs : 76044.30

Hanging toiletry bag



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Hanging toiletry bag with main compartment that unzips to reveal spacious pocket for bottles.Large zip pocket under front flap, mesh pocket and interior pockets. Hook inside bag allows for easy hanging while traveling

Cod produs 76044.30


poliester 600D

33 cm W x 22 cm H x 15 cm D

Dim. print

Pocket 90 mm W x 60 mm H


Brand : Norwood

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 Codul produsului selectat este 76044.30
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