Plastic wine rack for three bottles Cod : 8837806. Aplicam personalizare.


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Acasa / Promotional products & more 2019 / Bar si vin / Plastic wine rack for three bottles
 Plastic wine rack for three bottles | 8837806
 Plastic wine rack for three bottles; cod produs : 8837806

Plastic wine rack for three bottles



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The frosted plastic wine rack provides space for three bottles and fits even into the smallest flat due to its comfortable size. Includes screws and an instruction manual.

Cod produs 8837806



15,0 x 16,0 x 35,5 cm

Dim. print

5 x 1 cm

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 Codul produsului selectat este 8837806
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Introduceti codul 8M4hA in casuta de mai jos (masura anti-spam)