Bathing shoe with brush and pumice stone Cod : 7833004. Aplicam personalizare.


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Acasa / Promotional products & more 2019 / Lifestyle & beauty / Bathing shoe with brush and pumice stone
Bathing shoe with brush and pumice stone | 7833004
Bathing shoe with brush and pumice stone; cod produs : 7833004

Bathing shoe with brush and pumice stone



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This bathing shoe is a perfect foot-care item. Due to the integrated bristles and the pumice stone, your feet will be cleaned and massaged at the same time. The small suction cups at the bottom ensure a safe hold.

Cod produs 7833004



28,3 x 13,7 x 11 cm

Dim. print

4 x 1,8 cm

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 Codul produsului selectat este 7833004
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